Celebrate the charm of Manasquan, NJ with this sublimated ceramic coffee mug, featuring vibrant watercolor designs that remind you of your summers spent in Manasquan. Perfect for a unique keepsake, this coffee mug captures the essence of this coastal town in stunning detail. A thoughtful gift or personal memento!
These ceramic coffee mugs come in two sizes
11 0z. or 15 oz.
The design repeats once around the mug.
Local to Manasquan and want to pick up this item. Use code: LOCALPICKUP to avoid shipping charges and pick up in Manasquan, NJ. Be sure to check back to your account as to not miss message letting you know your items are ready:)
Four watercolor designs on this ornament were created from signs found right in my shop and created by me.
You can find the beach badge sign at the following link and it can be customized with your favorite beach town on the Jersey Shore:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1469498788/beach-badge-sign-custom-beach-badge-sign?click_key=030b9af052520494134004951262b7ceb1eb1c7e%3A1469498788&click_sum=482cbaf4&ref=shop_home_feat_2&sts=1The iconic Manasquan Inlet Beach sign that points to the beach as your drive through town can be found here:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1570348153/manasquan-inlet-beach-sign-jersey-shore?click_key=ece87348c0271bcc609bb304c4cd41bcab1eab00%3A1570348153&click_sum=893eb63f&ref=shop_home_active_33&sts=1It is also available as an engraved ornament and can be found here:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1556814807/new-jersey-christmas-ornament-manasquan?click_key=757a67265ac381cbcd09e525f1bd8a21fe5aab88%3A1556814807&click_sum=bb43fa26&ref=shop_home_active_15&cns=1&sts=1Lastly, the pennants saying 08736 and East Coast can be customized to your liking and can be found here: